
IndexManager 3.9.65 (2024.10.11)

  1. Support idml inline properties for character style ranges

IndexManager 3.9.64 (2024.09.19)

  1. Universal build for macOS
  2. Login with

IndexManager 3.9.63 (2022.07.11)

  1. Welcome window: New user interface with modified project and file import management
  2. Index window: Selecting index entries with only single (orphaned) sub-entries for further editing in the edit window
  3. Index window: Export of the current table view as a text file
  4. Windows and Mac: Text display and performance problems fixed

Version 3.9.22 (3rd January 2022)

  1. Context-Window: HTML entities are converted correctly
  2. Index-Transfer: position of transferred index entries corrected

Version 3.9.05 (28th July 2021)

  1. Windows: fixed program crashes

Version 3.9.01 (26th May 2021)

  1. Windows: fixed program freezes

Version 3.8.63 (11th May 2021)

  1. Windows: fixed text display crashes
  2. Word: Footnotes and endnotes linkages fixed

Version 3.8.55 (31th March 2021)

  1. Windows: fixed text display and performance problems due to incompatibility of some intel graphics card drivers
  2. Context window: Text snippets are displayed in tabular form so that actions in other widgets are not slowed down

Version 3.8.36 (16th February 2021)

  1. MS Word: Warning for invalid page range bookmark inserted preventing crashes

Version 3.8.25 (11th December 2020)

  1. InDesign endnotes re-integrated
  2. Qt framework update

Version 3.6.76 (17th August 2020)

  1. DocBook format re-integrated
  2. Index List and sections panel (Word List): New column with document / file names
  3. Multi selection of the same term for several entries fixed
  4. Search in full text Window: search term and highlighted hits are completely deleted when the window is closed
  5. Word list: Register name is applied to all created entries in case of multiple selection (F6 and F7)

Version 3.4.35 (30th September 2019 conference edition)

  1. Cross-reference window: Duplicate and swap option for see also cross-references available
  2. Cross-references: Warning before closing if no identical target entry can be found
  3. User-interface: enlarge/maximize, minimize button for windows moved to another screen
  4. fixed: autocompletion for the index input field
  5. Delete button for filter input fields in index and edit window

Version 3.3.18 (1st February 2019)

  1. Filter option in the Cross-reference window fixed
  2. Activation of the function “Adopt to previous anchor” fixed

Version 3.3.10 (29th November 2018)

  1. User Interface: Layout setting saved for the column selection of the index list even after a search. The column selected for the search has an italic column title.
  2. Index-Actions and duplicate are available in the Edit window
  3. InDesign: To define the page range, first letter of a paragraph has a larger font size.
  4. Adopt previous anchor: Selecting this function in the index toolbar (triangle drop down menu) places all following entries at the last used anchor position.
  5. The Index-Preview jumps to the initial letter of the heading.
  6. Highlighting of the selected terms in the text window is more intense.

Version 3.2.99 (25th October 2018)

  1. InDesign, fixed: loss of forced sorting information by re-import in Index-Manager.
  2. User Interface: Layout setting saved for the column selection of the index list. Default number of columns in the Index-Preview window is 1.

Version 3.2.94 (15th September 2018)

  1. fixed: doubled cross-reference entries by multiple export without closing and program restart

Version 3.2.75 (16th July 2018)

  1. DocX: colons in entries

Version 3.2.64 (22nd Mai 2018)

  1. fixed: page range information adopted to further entries

Version 3.2.56 (11th April 2018)

  1. fixed: removing multiple Crossrefs from XML
  2. creating crossrefs from levels with equal-sign
  3. fixed: index-editing works again for multiple selections

Version 3.2.45 (2nd February 2018)

  1. DocBook adaptation, XSLT transformation

Version 3.2.41 (24st January 2018)

  1. Default button in index-action editor: inserts a list↓ of useful functions like swap level, initial caps…
  2. Duplicated “see also’s” in entries with cross-references and page-range fixed
  3. IDML: Page-Range, number of sections and paragraphs fixed
  4. IDML: Forced sortorder by “;” like for DocX
  5. IDML: Element Box and table content display fixed
  6. New shortcuts for “page range end” and “update entry”
  7. “to lower case button” in index toolbar as toggle button
  8. Regular expressions extended by U/L for e.g. index-function “initial caps”
  9. Display of quotation marks as special character enforced

Version 3.2.12 (21st November 2017)

  1. User token: enables simultanous working on one file with several users
  2. MacOS: Widget reposition fixed
  3. Import crash fixed – wrong name accepted in a Word heading field function

Version 3.1.68 (12th July 2017)

  1. Structure window: New columns specifying the number of words and entries in every chapter, in color are chapters without entries
  2. DocX: Space (xml-space-preserve) integrated to allow format tags like bold and italic within an entry

Version 3.1.64 (14th June 2017 Conferences-Edition)

  1. Register-Import: Batch mode
  2. Improved anchor resolution from workfile
  3. DocX: support for entry anchors at start of paragraph
  4. DocX: indexname encoding for crossreferences fixed
  5. Moved license backend to klarso.

Version 3.0.34 (3rd September 2016 “The Indexer”-Edition)

  1. Swap- and LowerCase-Button
  2. Keyboard-Shortcut settings
  3. IDML: order stories according to position on spread
  4. IDML: improved table layout
  5. Qt 5.7.0

Version 2.9.20 (November 24, 2015)

  1. New compiler MSVC2015 and Qt 5.5.1
  2. Crash on Register-edit in non-loaded files fixed

Version 2.8.75 (Oktober 05, 2015 Book Fair Edition)

  1. improved performance for index actions
  2. update edit windows on actions
  3. DocX: crossreferences in footnotes
  4. DocX: Bookmark-Crash fixed
  5. IDML: Styling improved

Version 2.7.50 (January 21, 2015 New Year Edition)

  1. Performance of indexing in wordlist improved
  2. Selection of occurrences to index ()
  3. Term-Wordlist-Filter
  4. DocX: Wrong spaces around index-entries fixed

Version 2.5.78 (August 29, 2014)

  1. Proxy for License-dialog
  2. Word list filter files syntax reduced
  3. cross-references by encoded IDML-index name
  4. DblClick selection of words at the beginning of certain lines

Version 2.5.48 (July 11, 2014)

  1. Autocompletion for index entries and cross-references
  2. IDML: support of several indexes (encoded in the subentry)
  3. DocX: Handling of Word fields and subtitles
  4. DocX: supports end- and footnotes
  5. New license options: word list Phrases and import of seperate end-of-the book-index
  6. Multi-document text-window (tabbed)
  7. Successive selection of index entries for editing, alternative possible via Drag’n’Drop

Version 2.4.52 (May 6, 2014)

  1. Crossreferences: Bulk-Import
  2. Import: docm extension for docx
  3. UI: Highlighting of similar values in sorted column
  4. Export: Crossreferences without existing index-entry
  5. Export: indexentries after anchor update
  6. Export: indexentry position in same textnode

Version 2.4.38 (April 6, 2014)

  1. New License-Model
  2. Wordcontext for selected Index-Entries
  3. IDML: userdefined Crossreferences, Crossreference Import
  4. DblClick Indexentries in textview to edit
  5. Improved Import-speed
  6. User Interface: order of columns preserved

Version 2.2.86 (October 11, 2013 Book Fair Special)

  1. New Edit-Window (regular Expressions and Preview)
  2. Direct Editing in Index-Preview-Window
  3. Column-Picker in Index-List (right mouse on column-header)
  4. Index-List: New column “Gesamteintrag” for RegExp-Search
  5. Action editor (Extras->Index-Aktionen) for RegExp-Actions
  6. Nester-Window showing cross referenced nests
  7. DocX: italic and bold entrylevels
  8. DocX: sortorder by “;”
  9. Wordlist-Filter reworked

Version 2.2.32 (September 09, 2013)

  1. English translation for the userinterface
  2. Clearing of the inputfields after creating an entry now optional

Version 2.2.20 (July 27, 2013)

  1. Existing cross-references from .docx files are recognized

Version 2.1.81 (June 14, 2013)

  1. Index entries with page ranges (both docx and idml)
  2. Cross-reference editor (entries can be moved and switched)
  3. Supports multiple indexes (name, place, etc.)(docx only)
  4. Status for entry in work file instead of error log
  5. Word List: recognized connected words (e.g. with hyphen)
  6. Update check upon start – message in menu bar if available
  7. Interface: column headers now freely shiftable
  8. DocX: Improved text extraction
  9. IDML: Improved support for inline formatting
  10. Verification now SSL-protected and cache-oblivious
  11. German User Guide updated

Version 1.9.02 (March 6, 2013)

  1. Index entries can be formatted (italics, bold)
  2. Index entries and cross-references can be reversed also in docx export
  3. Extended expansion of the Word List filter: “Reduce to…” and “Exclude…”
  4. Word List: Automatic creation of index entries for all occurrences of a keyword
  5. Logging of import errors und warnings in revised log window und log files
  6. Export of “fresh” work files
  7. Better support for .docx formatting
  8. Display for Word “Track change” markers